Pall Centrifugal Devices

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Pall centrifugal devices can replace traditional separation techniques, column chromatography, dialysis, gradient centrifugation, and more when performing protein concentration, desalting, buffer exchange, deproteination of biological samples, fractionation of protein mixtures, virus concentration or removal, clarification of cell lysates, or nucleic acid isolation. Maximize sample recovery, accelerate sample processing, and prevent solution bypassing with Macrosep Advance and Jumbosept centrifugal device products at Tisch Scientific. Macrosep devices quickly concentrate up to 20 mL of biological samples to 0.5 mL, providing high recoveries usually >90%, with a low protein-binding Omega membrane and polypropylene housing to minimize losses due to non-specific binding. These color-coded devices fit centrifuges that accept 50 mL conical end tubes. Jumbosep centrifugal devices conveniently provide reliable concentration, purification, and diafiltration of 15-60 mL biological samples to 5 mL in 30 minutes. Built-in dead stops prevent spinning to dryness, and a unique sealing mechanism prevents retentate leakage and filtrate contamination. Jumbosep devices require a swinging bucket rotor that is capable of spinning up to 3,000 x g and accepts flat-bottomed 250 mL bottles.

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