Surplus Deals

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Product Width
Autosampler Model
  1. Agilent 1050 6 items
  2. Agilent 1090 6 items
  3. Agilent 1100 6 items
  4. Agilent 1200 6 items
  5. Agilent 1260 G1329B 6 items
  6. Agilent 1290 6 items
  7. Agilent 5880 6 items
  8. Agilent 5890 6 items
  9. Agilent 6850 6 items
  10. Agilent 6890 6 items
  11. Agilent 7673A 9 items
  12. Agilent 7683A 6 items
  13. Agilent 7693A 3 items
  14. Agilent 7695A 2 items
  15. Agilent 7697A 2 items
  16. Agilent 7820A 6 items
  17. Agilent 7890B 6 items
  18. Agilent 790AA 6 items
  19. Agilent 79855(A) 6 items
  20. Agilent Archon Pluge + Trap 2 items
  21. Agilent CTC Combi PAL 1 item
  22. Agilent CTC GC PAL 7 items
  23. Agilent CTC HTS+HTC PAL 7 items
  24. Agilent G1888A 4 items
  25. Agilent HS7694 4 items
  26. Agilent Tekmar AQUATek 70 2 items
  27. Agilent Tekmar SLOATek 72 2 items
  28. CTC Analytics Combipal 10 items
  29. Perkinelmer Autosystem GC/XL/AS-2000 12 items
  30. Perkinelmer Claru 500/600 6 items
  31. Perkinelmer HS16/40 1 item
  32. Perkinelmer Integral 4000 9 items
  33. Perkinelmer ISS-100/200 9 items
  34. Perkinelmer LC 600, 42 vial tray 3 items
  35. Perkinelmer LC Pllus 9 items
  36. Perkinelmer Turbo Matrix 40/110 1 item
  37. Shimadzu AOC-20 9 items
  38. Shimadzu AOC-5000 9 items
  39. Shimadzu AOC14/1400 9 items
  40. Shimadzu AOC88/9 10 items
  41. Shimadzu HSS-2B/4B 1 item
  42. Shimadzu LC 2010 9 items
  43. Shimadzu SIL-10A, SIL-10Ai, SIL-10xL 6 items
  44. Shimadzu SIL-HT/10ADVP 9 items
  45. Techcomp / Varian 8034/8035/8100/8200 9 items
  46. Techcomp / Varian 9095/9100 9 items
  47. Techcomp / Varian CP-84100 9 items
  48. Techcomp / Varian Genesis 1 item
  49. Thermo Fisher Scientific / DIONEX A-200s/AS 150/800/8000 9 items
  50. Thermo Fisher Scientific / DIONEX AS 3000/TRACE GC 6 items
  51. Thermo Fisher Scientific / DIONEX ASI-100 9 items
  52. Thermo Fisher Scientific / DIONEX SURVEYOR LC 9 items
  53. Thermo Fisher Scientific / DIONEX TriPlus 6 items
  54. Thermo Fisher Scientific / DIONEX WPS-3000RS 9 items
  55. Thermo Fisher Scientific / DIONEX WPS-3000SL 9 items
  56. Waters 717Plus 3 items
  57. Waters Acquity 9 items
  58. Waters Alliance 2690 6 items
  59. Waters CapLC 9 items
  60. Waters WISP 3 items
  61. Shimadzu SIL-6A/6B/9A With flange 3 items
Plate Size
Relative centrifugal force (RCF)
Product Diameter
  1. 40mm 1 item
  2. 150mm 1 item
  3. 260mm x 300mm 4 items
Product Length
  1. Nonsterile 19 items
Prices are limited to quantities listed on each item from our Ohio Distribution Center.
Please note that these are not defective or expired products of any kind and are subject to prior sale.
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